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eCounsel group

A boutique firm with unparalleled expertise in business and technology. We have good command of industrial ecology and legal practice, and have undertaken highly regarded cases. Because the small business scope, we pay more emphasis on effectiveness and efficiency, and choose clients with deliberation. The managing partner not only has extensive experiences in various legal issues more over than 20 years, but invests and manages several technology companies. In addition, he always checks each case rigorously. Clients’ business objectives are our primary focus. To achieve the same in the most cost-effective fashion trumps all seemingly sophisticated legal discussions.

59 football fields large, 10 million items and Kiva robots

2016 - 02 - 01

In around 10 years, Amazon has turned from a website that sells books to a e-commerce conglomerate that beats its competition in its cloud business.

以下Fox News的報導,只有五分鐘,和讀者們分享。對Amazon而言,這只是它的109個物流倉庫之一。
Behind the scenes of an Amazon warehouse



在這個神一般的國度裡,Bezos以他對於科學之崇尚、浪漫的想像、與從不自滿懈怠的創業家精神,還在不斷地向著uncharted territory(人類未知之地域)探索前進。


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Thoughts on Third-Party Payment: It's a Fad

We have been through this topic in 2013. Third-party payment hasn’t been an “issue” in Taiwan. There is no problem to solve. 遊戲業攻支付 Q4激戰 「……目前樂點行動支付除將介接橘子集團旗下事業體,在全家、玉山、台灣大車隊、微程式等策略合作布局下,也將大幅拓展樂點行動支付應用場景,未來服務版圖將涵蓋遊戲、電商、P2P、娛樂、餐飲、交通、消費等線上至線下領域… 劉柏園表示,現階段將由自動找零的小額支付據點開始切入民生應用,讓消費者在販賣機、自助洗衣機、置物櫃、停車場等據點,能夠享受便利的行動支付服務,未來第三方支付也將成為集團營收主力……。」 我早在2013年就講過了(;第三方支付,從來在台灣就不是一個「有待解決」的問題。沒有問題待解決,你想在這裡開辦事業,當然可以,但是,就得為消費者帶來新價值,否則誰理你。不論智冠歐買尬或橘子,想跳進來玩如果又必須創造新價值,唯一能想像的作法,就是像早期各家銀行為了衝信用卡的發卡量,所提供給消費者的各種優惠。 但是別忘了,當年銀行就信用卡給出優惠衝量,還有兩層的思惟:(1) 循環信用上看20%的利息收入、(2) 信用卡收單還有平均2%以上的清算清分手續費可收。 第三方支付呢? (1) 預付儲值,哪來的利息收入。(2) 悠遊卡能收取之清算清分手續費在超商這些零售點已經低到0.5%以下。 (更別提,悠遊卡還身兼交通票證,遊戲業有什麼?! 你要靠哪邊生出來的錢給消費者優惠?!)…

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Apple Music Comes at Full Speed

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