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A boutique firm with unparalleled expertise in business and technology. We have good command of industrial ecology and legal practice, and have undertaken highly regarded cases. Because the small business scope, we pay more emphasis on effectiveness and efficiency, and choose clients with deliberation. The managing partner not only has extensive experiences in various legal issues more over than 20 years, but invests and manages several technology companies. In addition, he always checks each case rigorously. Clients’ business objectives are our primary focus. To achieve the same in the most cost-effective fashion trumps all seemingly sophisticated legal discussions.

Apple to Invest in Original Content

2015 - 09 - 02

Apple’s Move Into Content Creation Could Devastate Netflix And Amazon


Apple is reported to be recruiting executives to head up a content creation effort.

Apple will probably fund outside production companies to create Apple exclusive content as Netflix does.

This original content is expected to appear in a streaming video service for iTunes and Apple’s various devices.

重創 Netflix,問題不大;重創 Amazon? 不可能。

今年 6 月身價二百億美金的天王投資人 Carl Icahn 出清手上 Netflix 股票套現十億美金時,我就說過「Netflix是個不錯的視頻平台,我也是忠實用戶。但它的 China story 一點都不靠譜,目前21倍的股價淨值比、以及一直往200倍在衝的本益比,絲毫不具備合理性。再加上,Netflix距離構築一個完整、客戶不易離開的生態系,還遠得很…」 (補充:目前 NFLX 的 P/E 已經破 250 倍了)請參

Netflix 所提供的服務,滿足了人們日常生活裡的一小部分需求;但其可替代性,很高。

Amazon 呢?

當然,Apple 有二千億美元的現金部位還有一大部分停泊在美國境外,挪一部分買授權或製作獨家內容毫不費力。像我之前提到Netflix 用十億美金鎖了 Epix 兩年獨家內容這招,Apple 更是玩得起,再結合 Apple TV 搞軟硬補貼同時配合全球電信商去推相關收視資費方案,也挺合理。但是,這樣最多也只能戳破 Netflix 的泡沫吧? 我的預測是,這對 Amazon 股價之影響,連 5% 都沒有,要怎麼重創?

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