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eCounsel group

A boutique firm with unparalleled expertise in business and technology. We have good command of industrial ecology and legal practice, and have undertaken highly regarded cases. Because the small business scope, we pay more emphasis on effectiveness and efficiency, and choose clients with deliberation. The managing partner not only has extensive experiences in various legal issues more over than 20 years, but invests and manages several technology companies. In addition, he always checks each case rigorously. Clients’ business objectives are our primary focus. To achieve the same in the most cost-effective fashion trumps all seemingly sophisticated legal discussions.

How to Improve the Doctor-Patient Relationship - Part 2

2015 - 05 - 24

The doctor-patient relationship is a matter of great importance in Taiwan. Once we have a clue, its not that hard to improve.


  1. 減少健保給付項目:要有改革的道德勇氣。除了前述已有同成分劑量劑型的學名藥之原廠藥價外並且提高藥品自付額以減少台灣特有的「藥不拿白不拿」的惡習之外,更不能被可憐的罕病故事牽著鼻子走。病人永遠是值得同情的,罕見疾病的家庭更是。但是,如果沒搞懂社會保險與個案救助之間的本質差異,必將拖累大局。
  2. 提高承擔重責之醫護待遇:要改善五大科(內外婦兒急)皆空之現象,必須先從尊重著手。打高空沒有用,香蕉只能餵猴子,這是最基本的道理。健保必須善用如前述所節省下來的經費,提高特定項目之點值並強制醫療院所將增額分配給醫護人員、並且為其投保責任險(詳下述);請他們重新念十遍希波克拉提斯誓詞,不如從這裡做起。
  3. 醫療過失責任保險必須普及:一方面擴大「業務上之正當行為,不罰」的阻卻違法事由之判斷,讓醫護除非有惡意之怠忽職務,否則不必擔心刑責;另一方面,則更不能阻礙病家循民事司法求償之權利。但是,倘若不能循私人責任保險的機制處理,那麼光是訴訟以及因而帶來的賠償風險,就會妨礙頂尖人才加入醫護的行列,更非全民之福。台灣的產險公司向來對於責任險種之開辦興趣缺缺,有其歷史成因,不在此贅論;但是,台灣市場一直以來除非像汽車的責任險因有強制規定,否則多半保戶太少,風險亦無從分散,賠償上限也太低。這部分,是稍修法令(比方說,按一定基礎投保醫療責任險的醫事單位,給付點值可以作對應的向上調整等等)就能輕易完成的事情,各家產險公司的意願問題,更可以由金管會把他們約來喝咖啡解決。


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