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eCounsel group

A boutique firm with unparalleled expertise in business and technology. We have good command of industrial ecology and legal practice, and have undertaken highly regarded cases. Because the small business scope, we pay more emphasis on effectiveness and efficiency, and choose clients with deliberation. The managing partner not only has extensive experiences in various legal issues more over than 20 years, but invests and manages several technology companies. In addition, he always checks each case rigorously. Clients’ business objectives are our primary focus. To achieve the same in the most cost-effective fashion trumps all seemingly sophisticated legal discussions.

The Dignity Gap Sends Trump to White House

2016 - 11 - 10

On election night, 11/8, Trump had been in the lead all along the night, taking the crucial swing states like Florida, Ohio, North Carolina, and eventually won the election with 289 electoral votes, becoming the 45th president-elect of the United States.

11/8美國總統大選,川普一路領先,在拿下包括Florida, Ohio, North Carolina等關鍵搖擺州之後,勢如破竹,一路跨越270張選舉人票門檻,當選美國第45任總統。



各方預測失準,關鍵在於世人所沒看見的美國社會景象。美國的狀況很糟、公共建設很糟、就業市場很糟… 如果對這個國家沒長期觀察、或實際在其社會走跳,多半對此無感。



There is indeed a gap in this country, and it has now led to a political revolution, a significant realignment in American politics. But the relevant gap wasn’t income. It was dignity.


在 “Men Without Work” 這本書裡提到,全美屆於工作年齡的男性失業比例,在 1965 時是 10%,到了 2015 時已經來到 22%,暴升一倍有餘。

把不到妹的魯蛇很苦,那找不到工作的「魯」,又會苦到什麼程度?在 2015 年,普林斯頓大學兩位經濟學家發表研究,指出從 1999 起,美國中年男性白人的死亡率大增。死因呢?死於肝硬化 Cirrhosis of the liver 的,多了 50%;自殺的,多了 78%;而藥物或酒精中毒身亡的,多了 323%!


“A promise to work hard at restoring left-behind Americans’ dignity by bringing back jobs and striking back at the cultural elites who disdain them.”


How Donald Trump Filled the Dignity Deficit

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PEWC Scandal

PEWC has been founded for over half a century, it belonged to the first phase to build conventional industry, and then started to diversify and become more international. 走過半個世紀的「太平洋電線電纜公司」,從以前屬於創建傳統產業基礎的第一階段,到開啟多角化與國際化的第二階段。太電為台灣地區最大的電線電纜製造廠之一,不但在泰國、新加坡、澳洲、大陸地區有廠房,多角化的發展,更使太電成為一個跨足線纜、光電、通訊、衛星電視、電子資訊及高速鐵路等事業的企業集團。 1994年太電公司當時之副總經理及財務長胡洪九,利用公司資金在香港、英屬維京群島等地設立公司,以太電公司為擔保透過海外公司發行公司債,外加使用轉投資、不當交易等方式將資金轉入這些海外公司,再將這些資金匯到146家海外公司洗錢。 胡洪九還利用海外交叉持股,用太電公司在香港的資金購買不動產,將其登記再另一家海外公司名下,其擅自處分太電公司資產並不當挪用,利用假定存單掩飾資金缺口,事後企圖解散海外公司以防減掉追查,前前後後共掏空太電公司約171億元,使公司陷入財務危機,被媒體形容為世紀經濟犯罪掏空案。 太電公司於民國54年即已上市,長久以來被視為成長性佳的績優股,股東人數眾多,受到掏空案影響,導致太電下市,投資人受害人數創下新紀錄,國安基金也慘賠17億,等於是全民埋單!

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