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A boutique firm with unparalleled expertise in business and technology. We have good command of industrial ecology and legal practice, and have undertaken highly regarded cases. Because the small business scope, we pay more emphasis on effectiveness and efficiency, and choose clients with deliberation. The managing partner not only has extensive experiences in various legal issues more over than 20 years, but invests and manages several technology companies. In addition, he always checks each case rigorously. Clients’ business objectives are our primary focus. To achieve the same in the most cost-effective fashion trumps all seemingly sophisticated legal discussions.

So Much for Donald Trump

2016 - 10 - 10

If you have been following U.S presidential election like us, you could probably tell: The winning chance for Donald Trump is practically zero.


華盛頓郵報在10/7號,釋出川普十一年前私底下和美國知名電視節目主持人Billy Bush對女性一連串貶抑女性的言論。

儘管支持者再怎麼對川普在 “politically correct” 這點上採取寬鬆之態度,兩性尊重這點是沒辦法有模糊空間的;他11年前的那種言論一旦被公開,在美國,就和自爆沒有兩樣。


「對白種女人的下流、物化之態度和言語」,在美國這種在中上流社會之表面上還維持相對程度 decency 的社會,將是單一、無敵的原子彈,能讓他的得票慘遭屠殺。全世界的政治現實都相仿。你表面上站我這邊、你能贏,我們就會權衡利害闗係,考慮支持你。至於你是不是白癡蛋頭、粗鄙俗人、道德災難,在所不問。但如果你不能贏,嘿嘿,「白癡蛋頭、粗鄙俗人、道德災難」(恰巧川普這三者兼有之)怎麼可以來領導全世界最強的軍隊、與最大的經濟體?

It is virtually impossible for Trump to win without a strong majority of white women’s votes. Down-ballot and other Republicans cannot win elections without white women going to the polls and casting Republican ballots. Republicans are alive to this — they get it.
Why Republicans’ outrage now? This is not about believing women, this is instead about a video, offering proof — in Trump’s own voice — of his sexual abuses and his debasement of women. It has gone viral and as such cannot be ignored, as much as they might otherwise have been inclined to do.


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