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eCounsel group

A boutique firm with unparalleled expertise in business and technology. We have good command of industrial ecology and legal practice, and have undertaken highly regarded cases. Because the small business scope, we pay more emphasis on effectiveness and efficiency, and choose clients with deliberation. The managing partner not only has extensive experiences in various legal issues more over than 20 years, but invests and manages several technology companies. In addition, he always checks each case rigorously. Clients’ business objectives are our primary focus. To achieve the same in the most cost-effective fashion trumps all seemingly sophisticated legal discussions.

Privacy Shield - U.S., EU Struck Deal to Protect Data Privacy

2016 - 02 - 04

The data privacy agreement signed by U.S and E.U has been announced invalid by the European Court of Justice because of the lack of protection.


U.S., EU Reach Deal on New Data-Transfer Framework
U.S. makes binding assurances on Europeans’ personal information

1. 歐盟最高法院在去年宣告與美國間的「資料隱私協議」因為保障措施提供不足而無效。
2. 昨天美歐達成新協議「隱私盾」,准許歐盟個資存放在美國的data centers,美國也會作出書面承諾不對其進行大規模之監控;並且,只要歐盟之消費者提出申訴,將有強制仲裁之規定,保管該個資在美國的公司必須配合,美國政府也要設置專責人員協助調查。

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hTC and India

hTC has partnered with India-based phone distributor Global Devices Network to initiate its production plan in India. 「……宏達電將攜手印度手機經銷商 Global Devices Network 啟動印度製造計畫,然而,不只宏達電,三星、小米、微軟等廠商都將眼光看向印度智慧手機市場,宏達電能藉此起死回生,又或只是換在另一紅海沉浮還未可知。」 我就講能講的部分好了。 1. 不論量衝上多少支,hTC在高度競爭的市場都賣不出可以看的毛利,接下來我們已見即將在印度發生的流血惡戰更將逼它敗走切腹。在減除直接成本、折舊攤提、行銷費用、以及其他overhead後,依我粗估,倘若真的進軍那兒的話,前幾年平均連5毛台幣的稅後都貢獻不出來,在財報數字上根本幫不了忙。您就別問前幾年之後了,那時hTC在餅圖上還看不看得到位子都不知道。 2. 這家公司向來的問題,在於獲致初步成功後所養成的從上到下的自大、驕氣、與目中無人;這一點到目前依舊沒變,要怎麼好起來?股價750元時,我就已對幾位有公信力的朋友公開講它將掉到150元,事後也證明在那個價位上下停留最久。 3. 瞎猜ASUS要併購它的人根本完全不懂併購的核心思考與技術;hTC想要活下去再取得市場的信任,只能靠自己,作打掉重練的調整,以內容帶硬體、從應用帶硬體,都是可以揣摩的方向。畢竟,從全球的角度,當前舉目所及,沒半個人會對它出手。 我從多年前就確認宏達電已走向墮落,也持續痛責它的幾位領導人不適任,在我部落格裡罵得更凶;但這一切都純粹是基於客觀的評估。在主觀上,我仍誠心祈願這個台灣品牌更好。

Fat Cats under Global Turmoil: Investment Bankers

There is a quote in American TV show Suits between a lawyer and an investment banker, it tells a lot why we call them the fat cat. 知名美劇影集訴訟雙雄(Suits)中有這麼一段商務律師和投資銀行家間的言詞交鋒,從以下這句台詞可以就可以理解,為什麼我們說這些投資銀行家是所謂「當代貴族」了。(影片連結) “We’re not lawyers. We’re investment bankers. We call…

Trip to Germany (Part 1 - We Should be Proud)

For my clients’ businesses and my own investments, I have traveled North America coast to coast for over 60 or 70 times since I became a lawyer. Continue reading