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Microsoft & Uber finally face the facts and change their Strategies

2018 - 06 - 28

Dara Khosrowshahi, an Iranian-American and the CEO of Uber, rolled out a new set of cultural norms, including one that states, “We Do the Right Thing.” Following last year’s decision by the London regulator, he flew to the city in an effort to repair relations with Transport for London. Since then, Uber has made changes in the U.K. aimed at addressing regulators’ concerns, including reporting serious incidents to the police, and appointing three independent non-executive directors in the country—including hiring Laurel Powers-Freeling, a former senior adviser to the Bank of England, as its U.K. chairman.

The company has also made efforts to improve relationships with U.K. drivers, some of whom are involved in separate litigation to be reclassified as workers, rather than independent contractors, a standing that would entitle them to paid holidays and sick time. Last month, Uber said it would pay for sick leave and some other health-related benefits for drivers and couriers in Europe.

Here cames good news. Uber has now been awarded a licence but it has been put on probation for 15 months.

Satya Nadella, an Indian-American and the CEO of Microsoft, is the man who is transforming Microsoft. After talking and listening to employees, Nadella decided that Microsoft needed a complete cultural makeover. Over the past few years, he’s shared a number of his techniques on stage and other ways. We’ve all heard about the importance in the “new” Microsoft of having a growth mindset; of being a “learn-it-all” rather than a “know-it-all”; and of making inclusivity and diversity top priorities.

〔Additional show〕
Donald Trump dug in his heels over a controversial “zero-tolerance” immigration policy that has seen thousands of children forcibly separated from their parents at the Mexican border. Donald Trump spoke amid an uproar among Democrats and Republicans as images of children being held in wire mesh cages, and toddlers crying as they were separated from their mothers, emerged from the border.

Donald Trump seems to forget about where Ivana Trump and Melania Trump come from. He also forgets that the saviors of Uber and Microsoft are not WHITE.

Uber Goes to Court to Fight for Its Future in London
Uber granted short-term licence to operate in London
Microsoft CEO Nadella’s ‘Hit Refresh’: Is a cultural revolution enough to refresh Microsoft?
從Uber在各國的爭議,談商品上市之Compliance- 天遠律師事務所

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