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eCounsel group

A boutique firm with unparalleled expertise in business and technology. We have good command of industrial ecology and legal practice, and have undertaken highly regarded cases. Because the small business scope, we pay more emphasis on effectiveness and efficiency, and choose clients with deliberation. The managing partner not only has extensive experiences in various legal issues more over than 20 years, but invests and manages several technology companies. In addition, he always checks each case rigorously. Clients’ business objectives are our primary focus. To achieve the same in the most cost-effective fashion trumps all seemingly sophisticated legal discussions.

Market Outlook for Blue-Chip Debt Worsening

2016 - 02 - 08

Issuing bond or applying loans from bank are common ways of financing. But the former is a direct loan from investors, how investors view the default risk will reflect on the interest rates.



Hedge Funds Bet on Risks in U.S. Blue-Chip Debt

Some see evidence of problems that won’t be confined to areas such as energy and junk bonds

Hedge funds are betting the next bond sector to crack will be the $4.5 trillion market for the safest U.S. corporate debt.

New York’s Perry Capital has placed a $1 billion wager against investment-grade bonds ……


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Pension Reform Basics: Exceptions for Legitimate Expectation

Recently, there has been scrutiny over the pension system of military officials, civil servants and educators in Taiwan. Our tax payments indeed have been allocated largely to keep the promises which our governments made to support…

Internal Controls Have No Intrinsic Value?

It’s simple, to completely store the context of operations, adequately and appropriately . 很簡單,就是完整保存工作紀錄的來龍去脈,保存工作必須充分、適當,也就是該有的要有、不該看的不能看。雖然這一定不是最完美無暇的內部控制制度,但是絕對是最經濟、最有實效的。有效的文件管理就是通往實用內控的康莊大道! 內控的骨幹就是文件管理,這是從實證觀察中得出來的結論。本書將以創新的觀點提出內控的核心就是文件管理,於以下的章節中本書將會證明只要有一套有效的文件管理制度,內部控制就已經達到及格的水準。 反之,如果企業僅僅是花了大把鈔票請會計師或承銷商作出一套厚達幾百頁的內控表單,而實際上公司之各部門仍然是各行其道,那內部控制不過就是紙上談兵爾爾。