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eCounsel group

A boutique firm with unparalleled expertise in business and technology. We have good command of industrial ecology and legal practice, and have undertaken highly regarded cases. Because the small business scope, we pay more emphasis on effectiveness and efficiency, and choose clients with deliberation. The managing partner not only has extensive experiences in various legal issues more over than 20 years, but invests and manages several technology companies. In addition, he always checks each case rigorously. Clients’ business objectives are our primary focus. To achieve the same in the most cost-effective fashion trumps all seemingly sophisticated legal discussions.

The U.S. Version of GDPR puts Sillicon Valley in Disarray

2018 - 10 - 15

The EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is regarded as one of the strictest data protection and privacy regulations in the world. In the age of internet, top tech players rely on collecting and analysing consumer data to develop better technology and better service, or in other words, to make more money. However, the Facebook data breach incident shows that with millions of people around the world start registering and using a particular online service, personal data can be easily gathered and used in the wrong way, often by hackers aiming for financial profits or even geopolitical manipulations.

On Wednesday Sep 27, the Senate Commerce Committee and top executives from Amazon, Apple, AT&T, Charter, Google and Twitter had a two and a half hour meeting on potentially passing privacy legislation, after more than a decade of inefficient debate. Although some acknowledge the government’s effort to establish a data policy, others argue that the exclusion of any non-corporate people in the meeting can be a problem.

Although top tech players show willingness and acceptance for a data policy, the degree of governance they agree on is still on the broader principles. This is understandable due to the nature of how these companies handle data differently. In addition, the senators’ ability to understand how data works is also very questionable, as perfectly shown when Mark Zuckerberg appeared before Congress and tried to answer several very strange questions.

“Even if Congress, Silicon Valley and consumer advocates manage to agree on basic privacy rules, Szoka says, the nitty-gritty details of how that legislation will work in the real world is the tricky part.” – Berin Szoka, President of TechFreedom

The Cybersecurity 202: Senate hearing highlights challenges of crafting national privacy law – Washington Post
Silicon Valley finally pushes for data privacy laws at Senate hearing – The Guardian

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Lee & Li Attorney-At-Law Embezzlement Case (Part 2)

To further look into Lee & Li’s case, it is obvious that the root of the problem is the documents regarding all the transactions. 如果更詳細深入探討理律案,我們可以發現在上篇所述問題的癥結點其實就是理律案相關交易中的文件。 理律根據前述華僑及外國人投資證券管理辦法的相關規定代理美商新帝公司來做國內股票的買賣事宜,依約定理律需在中信證券以及彰化銀行開設證券及現金帳戶來處理新帝公司之股票,理律將此事全權交由劉偉杰處理,並且將存摺及印鑑都交由其保管,劉偉杰另外私自在亞洲證券及國泰世華銀行開設另一組帳戶作為私自操作之用。 而開設相關帳戶會有存摺,如證券帳戶以及現金帳戶的存摺,每一次的交易紀錄會記錄在存摺之上,比如說劉偉杰提領、轉存現股至私人帳戶的行為、賣出股票的行為、將款項匯至國外帳戶的行為,這些交易行為都需要有美商新帝公司的授權書證券商及銀行才會核准辦理,因為劉偉杰擁有美商的印鑑所以可以偽造全權授權書來騙過銀行做出這些相關操作。前面另外開設私戶也是使用偽造的授權書。 存摺跟授權書是本案當中的問題所在。理律遲至事後交接才發現弊案,原因是理律本身對於這兩樣文件沒有適當的掌握與控管,連帶的對於這兩者文件上面所承載的重要交易資訊也都無法即時知悉,遑論做出應有的應變,可以說是資訊不充分、不完整而造成的疏失。 在這個案件當中,上級完全信任劉偉杰所以將相關交易所需的印鑑、存摺皆交由其保管,所以劉偉杰能在不被任何人監視的情況下完成提領股票至其私人戶投並與轉賣、匯款至國外的諸多行為而不被發現。在事後工作交接給其他同仁的時候也故意不附上某些重要的交易資料意圖隱瞞。 理想的內部控制方式應該是將劉偉杰所負責的工作交由另一個高階主管與劉偉杰共同處理,而且在任何需要的交易文件上面都必須由該主管與劉偉杰共同用印,而用印之同時該主管必須將該文件予以保存、建檔,確保相關交易資訊可以隨時被掌握與監督,當然這些文件紀錄不能被竄改或刪除,如此一來縱使有人心懷不軌也可以經由明確的紀錄及時發現及制止,預防弊案之發生與擴大。 理律案,小筆記 在理律劉偉杰到賣股票案當中,金額高達三十億的案件竟然只由劉偉杰一個人全權負責,沒有人負責稽核,而他利用上司對他的信任大大方方的把客戶所有的股票據為己有賣的一乾二淨,從容不迫的拿假護照出境離開台灣,等到理律發現的時候早就在某處高興的數鈔票了! 1. 企業當中的重要業務如果只交由一個員工來負責處理,會產生很大的風險,應該盡量交由多人共同辦理。 2. 內部控制本身有許多環節,文件的管理是其不可或缺的核心部分。


In around 4 months after Enron filed for bankruptcy, WorldCom was also reported for false accounting fraud. There are many tricks in accounting to create false financial reports. 恩龍公司聲請破產保護大約四個月後,世界通訊公司也發生了會計作帳不實的醜聞,利用會計手法作假帳的方式有許多種,恩龍公司與這裡的世界通訊公司雖然都是利用會計作帳不實而引發之醜聞,但是不同的地方在於,恩龍公司是利用許多的關係企業進行複雜的「資產負債表外交易」來隱匿公司的巨額負債及虧損;世界通訊公司則僅是單純的運用會計手法,將費用支出轉列為資本支出,虛增公司的獲利所引發的醜聞。 世界通訊公司原名為長途電話折扣服務公司(Long Distance Discount Service),於1980年代創立,1995年才更名為世界通訊公司(WroldCom Inc.)。業務範圍包含當地、長途電話以及全球網際網路服務。2001年時世界通訊於全世界六十五個國家有營業據點,年營業額達數百億美元,在當時為全世界最大的網際網路骨幹。 世界通訊在短期內能成為全美第二大的長途電話公司,主要的原因是不斷的併購其他的公司來擴大自身的營業規模。於1990年代末期就已經進行了60次以上的併購行為。 然後過多的併購行為所帶來的問題,是公司內部系統與客戶資料的整合困難,電腦計費系統常常會超收費用使顧客抱怨連連,另外公司高層主管有跟公司貸款數億美元之情形發生。…

Other Cases

Besides the criminal law, corporate law, securities and exchange act, patent law, and fair trade act, there are many laws that are highly important to business owners. 除了本書前面章節裡面談到的刑法、公司法、證券交易法、專利法與公平交易法之外,與公司負責人息息相關的法律還有許多種1,舉幾個例子來說: 勞工安全衛生法(技術性) 勞工安全衛生法之立法目的在於防止職業災害,保障勞工安全與健康2,如該法規定雇主應該要設置必要的安全衛生設備防止特定災害之發生3,還有像是如果是具有危險系的機器設備則是需要經過主管機關之檢查合格後才可以使用4,若違反這些規定而發生職業災害的話就要負擔刑事責任5。 稅捐稽徵法(抽象) 人民都有納稅的義務,各企業行號當然也必須依照稅捐稽徵法之規定繳納各種稅捐,如果納稅義務人有使用詐術或其他不正之方法逃漏稅捐者,依稅捐稽徵法第41條之規定就有五年以下的有期徒刑還可能併科六萬元以下之罰金! 企業都要節稅,但是正當與不正當就會有天差地別的後果。 商業會計法(技術) 商業會計法則是規範公司行號當中的各種會計事務之法規,因為企業的各種財務報對於國家整體的經濟與廣大的投資人來說都有深遠的影響,其重要性不言可喻,所以如果企業的商業負責人或是會計人員有不實製作、銷毀或是偽造變造各種會計表冊時也負擔刑事責任6。 消費者保護法(技術)…