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eCounsel group

A boutique firm with unparalleled expertise in business and technology. We have good command of industrial ecology and legal practice, and have undertaken highly regarded cases. Because the small business scope, we pay more emphasis on effectiveness and efficiency, and choose clients with deliberation. The managing partner not only has extensive experiences in various legal issues more over than 20 years, but invests and manages several technology companies. In addition, he always checks each case rigorously. Clients’ business objectives are our primary focus. To achieve the same in the most cost-effective fashion trumps all seemingly sophisticated legal discussions.

California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018 - The War Has just Begun

2018 - 07 - 06

California lawmakers passed a new privacy bill last thursday ( 6/29), which gives state residents more control over the information that businesses collect on them and in addition, penalise businesses that do not comply. It is the first law of its kind in the United States.

The so-called California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018 (AB 375) gives Californians the right to see what information businesses collect on them, get access to information on the types of companies their data has been sold to, and request businesses to stop selling that information to third parties. This privacy act is similar to the new EU General Data Protection Regulation, but with crucial additions. Under the GDPR protections, businesses are required to get users’ permissions prior to collecting and storing their data. However, through opt-in pop-ups designed by these companies, consumers don’t really have a choice but to give consent, in order to use these services. In contrast, the Californian bill would create the  “Spotify exception”, “which allows companies to offer different services or rates to consumers based on the information they provide—for instance, a free product based on advertising. But, the bill states, the difference must be “reasonably related to the value provided to the consumer by the consumer’s data.”

Experts in this field believe that the law will have tremendous impacts and potentially set standards for states across the nation. However, between companies and consumers, the storm of conflicts might just be coming.

Sources:California Unanimously Passes Historic Privacy BillCalifornia just passed one of the toughest data privacy laws in the country


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Waterland Securities (Part 1)

On December 10, 2008, Yang Jui-jen was released by the prison and was put under media spotlight. But who is this guy? 內控作不好,一百億輕鬆盜領 2008年12月10號,蹲了十三年牢的楊瑞仁出獄了,各大媒體爭相報導,到底這個楊瑞仁是何方神聖? 十三年前,也就是1995年間,國票案爆發,堪稱台灣金融業史上最大經濟犯罪案,就是由當年未滿三十歲的國票板橋分公司營業員楊瑞仁一手策劃,盜領國票300多億元,轟動台灣金融市場,其案件造成當時國票股票跌停、引發擠兌風波、楊瑞仁的主管國票作業部經理還因此跳樓自殺。 楊瑞仁盜領一百餘億元的代價是被法院判處13年的刑期以及三十億元的罰金(創下坐牢一天值271萬、罰金易服勞役一天折抵833萬的驚人紀錄)、他在坐牢期間還買通監所人員在獄中炒股,又被多判兩年徒刑,直到今年符合減刑條件才得以出獄,出獄後還必須依照他跟國票之間的協議,他必須要在出獄後的八到十年間償還國票公司四十億元。以下就來簡單介紹一下楊瑞仁的犯罪手法。 國際票券金融股份有限公司(簡稱國票)之主要業務是短期票券之簽證、承銷、經紀、自營、保證、背書[2]。以保證業務中之發行商業本票為例,就是當一家民間廠商或是公司需要調度資金而開立商業本票給他人,他人對於開立本票的公司不放心怕將來錢拿不回來,於是就希望那張本票上面可以由很有錢的人來保證,而國票公司就是那個在本票上保證、從中賺取利潤的人[3]。而國票板橋分公司的營業員楊瑞仁就是從這種業務當中找到了可趁之機。 楊瑞仁於1994年9月間,趁提早上班公司內四下無人之時,利用公司內部控管的疏漏,竊取國票公司置於儲物間內,提供給客戶使用之空白商業本票數本,再於上班前、下班後以及遞送公文的空檔,趁該分公司有權保管保證章之副理疏忽之際,偷取公司經理以及襄理所保管的保證章、簽證章,在全部的空白本票上面蓋上這些印章,之後需要錢的時候呢,再填上金額及到期日,然後把他之前所盜刻的公司客戶印章蓋於本票上。如此一來,楊瑞仁偽造本票就算是大功告成了。 參考資料: 1. 詳細事實內容請參見張衛航,國票案洗錢行為模式之刑事規制對策研究-以洗錢行為應刑罰性與可罰性間落差為探討重心,中國文化大學法律學研究所碩士論文,2003年6月。 2. 參國際票券金融股份有限公司網站,。 3. 利息、保證費、簽證費、承銷費、票券集保結算交割服務費等。

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