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擁有20多年執業經驗、同時投資管理多家科技公司的主持律師,始終逐一把關每個委任案件,團隊亦時時設身處地,協助客戶以最經濟的手段達成商務目標。 天遠深信,空談法律規定毫無意義!

Taiwanese People's Future: China? Probably Not.

2017 年 12 月 01 日

“We will ensure that over time, people from Taiwan will enjoy the same treatment as local people when they pursue their studies, start businesses, seek jobs, or live on the mainland, thus improving the wellbeing of Taiwan compatriots. We will encourage  people from both sides to work together to promote Chinese culture and forge closer bonds between them.” – Xi Jinping,  19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC)

The Communist Party of China has long been targeting the hearts and minds of Taiwanese people, whether thru terror of war, or benefits closer to Chinese citizens in terms of jobs and education, especially due to the rise of the pro-independence DDP government of Taiwan that cause a more hostile political opposition, and way less open communication across the Taiwan Strait.

By providing national benefits (準國民待遇) to the Taiwanese people,  the Chinese government systematically targets the younger and arguably poorer generation of the Taiwanese people, in this particular period of time when Taiwan is suffering from a bad economy, low wages, and high cost of living.  Many scholars argue that this softer approach of China, rather than continuing a  arms race, is also the most cost-effective measure to resolve the  Taiwan issue in Xi Jinping’s ultimate game plan.

Although in the era of Xi’s regime, China has reached a peak of success both economically and politically, we believe that the Taiwanese people still need to take into account the autocratic nature of the Chinese government and its substandard justice system, of which any types of businesses and its citizens are under constant surveillance. Just like the old saying for investment: “Don’t put all of your eggs in one basket”. We believe that the rapid growth of the Chinese economy in recent decade shall not be the only solution for the Taiwanese people in times of economic decline.






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