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A boutique firm with unparalleled expertise in business and technology. We have good command of industrial ecology and legal practice, and have undertaken highly regarded cases. Because the small business scope, we pay more emphasis on effectiveness and efficiency, and choose clients with deliberation. The managing partner not only has extensive experiences in various legal issues more over than 20 years, but invests and manages several technology companies. In addition, he always checks each case rigorously. Clients’ business objectives are our primary focus. To achieve the same in the most cost-effective fashion trumps all seemingly sophisticated legal discussions.

Trucks v.s Drones

2016 - 12 - 04

Let’s see if this article from Insider makes any sense?



送貨成本計算:(能源成本 + 操作人員成本 + 載具費用攤提)

這個基本公式,不論用卡車或是無人機,都一體適用。從Amazon日漸廣佈的fulfillment center送貨到客戶那兒,Prime二天、Prime Now二小時、再進到將來Prime Air以半小時為目標;其同時、同路線的出貨數量都趨於靈活之小量,大型貨車根本使不上力。用無人機,會比起用卡車的單趟人力貴,我都高度懷疑了,還一萬倍?

送貨的能源成本:卡車 vs. 無人機

每英哩,卡車是 $0.5 而無人機只要 $0.02。所以,混用卡車和無人機來完成送貨到府,就能大幅降低亞馬遜必須支出的運費
the fuel cost of running a diesel-powered truck is a little over 50 cents per mile, whereas the energy cost to power a drone over that distance is about 2 cents. Combining the two vehicles holds the potential to substantially reduce the cost inefficiencies associated with “last mile” delivery.

在亞馬遜遞送給消費者的商品包裹中,有 86% 輕於無人機所能載得動的重量(2.3 公斤)

The drones … can carry packages weighing up to five pounds (2.3kg), which make up 86% of the packages Amazon delivers.
Amazon has written that 86 percent of its packages weigh under 5 pounds. As for distance, Walmart has noted that 70 percent of Americans live within 5 miles of a Walmart. This is great for the prospect of drone delivery.
In a report by ARK Invest, Tasha Keeney suggests that Prime Air could cost Amazon only 88 cents per delivery. If Amazon charged customers $1 per delivery, Keeney estimates, the company could earn a 50% return on its investment in drone infrastructure while offering same-day delivery that is significantly cheaper than current alternatives.


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