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eCounsel group

A boutique firm with unparalleled expertise in business and technology. We have good command of industrial ecology and legal practice, and have undertaken highly regarded cases. Because the small business scope, we pay more emphasis on effectiveness and efficiency, and choose clients with deliberation. The managing partner not only has extensive experiences in various legal issues more over than 20 years, but invests and manages several technology companies. In addition, he always checks each case rigorously. Clients’ business objectives are our primary focus. To achieve the same in the most cost-effective fashion trumps all seemingly sophisticated legal discussions.

Tough to Eradicate Faulty Construction Projects

2016 - 02 - 08

Only when the earthquake strike, can we find out how prevalent crooked construction agencies are in Taiwan.






當時,一場5級地震,使該建案倒塌,74%之住戶(平均每戶3人)僅虛驚一場;但有20%之住戶即30人受傷,另有6%即9人死亡,傷者平均應賠200萬元,死者1200萬元,人身之損害賠償總額為1.68億,故,屋價 + 人身損害額 = 9.48億






下一篇〔強制保險〕是我的研究結論。這是藉私管制(private regulation)的觀念,將建物起造階段的第三方(即保險公司)品管、與災後之損失補償結合為一體的設計。在不完美的世界裡,這恐怕是唯一可行之正解。

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